Travel can take us on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster at times. In one day you can go from being completely in awe of the scenery around you to being well and truly frustrated when the rain is coming in sideways and you’re miles from your destination. Sometimes you’ve got to laugh at these situations we find ourselves in and the experiences we have when out in the wild. Here you’ll find some light-hearted and hopefully funny articles about travel in the wild. Enjoy!
Sheep- The True Bosses Of The Hills
I’ve always loved sheep and my fondness for them just continues to grow as I spend more time in the hills. Here I take a look at why I think they’re so awesome and should be seen as the true bosses of the hills. Read more here.

Wild Toileting- Why It Isn’t As Bad As You Think.
For those of us who enjoy the great outdoors, wild toileting is often in the back of our minds. This is especially true if we’re new to it. In this piece I take at look at what causes the anxiety and why following the rest of the animal kingdom is nothing to fear. Continue reading here.

Why The North Is Better Than The South.
As a southerner, I’m become slightly jealous of you northern folk. You’ve got better scenery, more impressive accents and you’re generally a more friendly bunch. Here I take a more detailed look about why the land is better north of The Watford Gap. Keep reading t’ article here.

Why I Can’t Sleep In The Woods
I did finally manage to spend the night in the woods, albeit with both eyes open for most of the time. It took several attempts and so in this piece, I take a look at why I found camping in the woods such a frightening proposition. Read on here.